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Our Commitment.

Our dedication and commitment to our customers is our number one priority. We strive to be the best custom aggregate and trucking industry in Vermont. 


By offering custom crushing and screening applications for our customers, you are sure to find the best product at a very fair price.

Our Solution.

As technology grows, so do we. 


We are constantly upgrading our fleet of front-end loaders, excavators, generator sets, crushers, and trucks to offer the most advanced not only in technology, but in environmental concerns as well. This directly translates to more savings to our customers as well as peace of mind.



Our Services.

In addition to using some of the most productive mobile plants on the market, we also specialize in hauling crushed/screened material to commercial outlets as well as residential homes. 


Need material for your small businsses or home? 


We've got you covered.


© 2015 McCullough Crushing, Inc.

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